Private Utility Locating
65% of underground facilities are privately owned
When digging, you have a legal and moral responsibility to know where all underground facilities are located. Failure to do so can result in disruption of services, injury, and death to you or the people and homes around you. We are able to help assess and mark the appropriate private utilities to keep you and your neighbors safe and secure.
To learn more you can review, please contact us or review the materials provided by GSOC linked below.
What is a private utility?
Private utilities are any utility that is not owned by a public utility company. Some contractors will use a Ghost Busters’ (Who you gonna call) approach for a quick reference to identifying utility ownership. Basically, if you have to call for the repairs yourself, it is probably a private utility.
Examples of these can include but are not limited to any power lines after the electric meter (such as those to sheds, homes, lights, or pools), propane lines to grills or from gas tanks, sprinkler systems, and dog fences to name a few.
Are you ready?
If you're ready to experience top-notch utility locating services, don't hesitate to reach out. Fill out the form with your details, and we'll get in touch with you promptly. Discover how Premier Locating can assist you!
Contact us
10 2nd st NE
Buffalo, MN 55313